Welcome to The Safety Spectrum
In The Vicinity Map
Mapping and continuously updating everyone’s knowledge about new and changed hazards in a System, can reduce risk when people are working in the vicinity of the hazards. Expand a System's SafetySpectrum by mapping Journals of technical knowledge too.

Easily Review Video Hazard Reports
The most experienced operators protect themselves by expanding their immediate situational awareness. Before working on any asset in a System they get a brief and learn from persons recently familiar with the environment. Anyone in a SafetySpectrum Community of Practice (CoP) can do the same because video blends the physical and digital worlds to remotely and asynchronously transfer knowledge of the hazard. Tap the hazard, then tap the play button on the report.

Digital Collaboration
Up & Down voting, flag a concern, invite to review. SafetySpectrum's digital collaboration architecture enables remote safety as a service.
Efficiently collaborate without having to leave the app. Give them a thumbs up for taking the time to video how a hazard recently has changed and for helping to watch your six.

Review Tracking
Got some down time later? Continue reviewing video hazards and video journals that you already started watching. Keep track of the ones you have already reviewed.

Paperless Hazard Reporting
Job sourced reporting to pull hazard knowledge at scale from those most familiar, by uploading video hazards with nothing to write down.

Features for the Modern Safety Professional
SafetySpectrum keeps you remotely connected to everyone who is working near mapped video hazard reports.
Secure Biometric Login
Create multiple, private Communities of Practice (CoPs). Members all have personalized access via secure login with biometric Touch ID or Face ID.
In The Vicinity
An interactive map that serves to continuously update everyone’s knowledge about new and changed hazards in a System, which can reduce risk when people are working in the vicinity of the hazards.
Video Hazard Reports
The most experienced operators protect themselves by expanding their immediate situational awareness. Asynchronous, repeatable knowledge transfer in the tap of a play button.
Digital Collaboration
Up & Down voting, flag a concern, invite to review. Efficiently collaborate without having to leave the app. Identify safety opportunities before they become SIFs.
Review Tracking
Continue reviewing video hazards that you already started watching. Keep track of the ones you have already reviewed.
Watch List
Add any video hazard or video journal to your personalized watch list.
Offline Playback
Save any video to the device for offline playback. The Author can also copy saved videos back to the device camera roll.
Paperless Hazard Reporting
Job sourced reporting to pull hazard knowledge at scale from those most familiar, by uploading video of Work Done near a hazard NOT Work Imagined.
4K Video
SafetySpectrum supports video resolutions all the way to 4K. Choose SD, HD or 4K resolution when uploading a new video hazard report.
Assign video hazards and video jounrnals to catalogs in a Library with publish-approve work flow. Institutionalize the CoP's learning from successes, near misses, mistakes and failures.
Privacy Levels
ME: My private video journals US: Sharing for instant collaboration In-The-Vicinity, LIBRARY: Published and approved for institutionalized learning across a CoP.
Security Roles
Role Based Access (Account Authorizing Person(s), Instructors, Specialists, Members, Contractors) with powerful in-App user administration
Apple Watch
At a glance, change your situational awareness before starting work by knowing how many hidden hazards are In-The-Vicinity.
Apple TV
Share on the big screen in 4K with SafetySpectrum for Apple TV. Pipe in situational awareness from the field to the dispatch center.
Priority Support
From login help to using features. In app support, right when any person in the CoP needs it with as little delay as possible.

Live Long by Failing Safely
We are changing the way Organizations think about safety...
By helping everyone to build systems that enable people to fail safely.